Gundelwein Silva

As a business psychologist & coach for personal development, I am here to help leaders navigate the changing business environment. My approach is holistic, taking into account all areas of life, including body, emotions, thoughts. Mindfulness, self-awareness, introspection, and personal development are essential aspects of my coaching philosophy.

who is Anna Gundelwein Silva

I am motivated to bring you to your next level

I support healthy leaders, managers and people with high levels of responsibility and stress who want to do something for their mental health, through emotional intelligence and mindfulness to promote agile working and establish a culture that promotes knowledge sharing and innovation. With many years of leadership experience at an innovative and emerging log-tech company, I am an expert in agile transformation and digital working. As a business psychologist & coach for personal development with a foundation in both psychology and business, I bring a unique blend of insights to the table. My deep understanding of human behavior and organizational dynamics ensures that your leadership training is grounded in both theory and practicality. It is important to me to support you as a client holistically, which means that the body, emotions, thoughts and all the surrounding areas of life are taken into account. I believe that true transformation goes beyond traditional methods. That’s why we seamlessly integrate elements of yoga and breath work into our work. Issues can cross over from the professional to the private sphere and vice versa, all this is part of our joint work and is considered within the framework of the process. As a passionate globetrotter I work with clients globally and across all sectors that respect people and planet.

Languages: German, English, Portuguese & Spanish.

Experience & Expertise

If you're looking for a coach who can help you navigate the challenges of modern leadership, look no further.

Working as a leader with people in rapidly growing start-up environments

Experience in working within and with agile teams

Stressmanagement Workshops & Leadership Development in Multiple European Locations

Innovative Problem-Solving and Digital Solution Development

why are people coming to me

People and organizations are coming to me, when…

  • they want to learn effective methods for the  reduction of acute stress reactions, to strengthen their health, relaxation and self-regulation skills through preventive measures.
  • they want to change or develop behaviors, dealing with a conflict,
    procrastination, insecurity and fears.
  • they want to better understand and control recurring behavior patterns and (life)crises.
  • they are looking for a holistic approach that will help you reach your goals mentally and physically. 
  • they want to change the way they deal with specific professional demands, reduce overload, excessive demands and stress at work.
  • they want to develop their own leadership personality in variouse issues relating to employee management, communication in a management context and relationship management. 
  • they want to reorientate professional goals.

We create a space for your needs
and your mental health

Mindful Leadership Development 1:1

  • Digital Leadership
    (leading via distance, for
    example, in home office)
  • Supporting emotional intelligence, self-motivation and
    emotional self-regulation in your role as a leader and as an individual
  • Development of self-reliance, self-organisation, and the right amount of delegating (team and project management)
  • Individual leadership,
    supported by acknowledging
    individual motives and personal

Developing Teams

  • Support through Stressmanagement Workshops & Retreats
  • Embodied movements – Hatha yoga: Promoting relaxation and recovery
  • Support with conducting development meetings

Development 1:1

  • Supporting personal
    development, emotional intelligence
  • Mental health & burnout
    prevention through conscious
    mindfulness at work and in
    private life
  • Recognising conflicts and
    resolving them
  • Professional and private
    reorientation / development
    planning (reflecting on the
    career path and establishing
    next steps)
My coaching approach

My top priority is helping clients to leverage their full potential

My approach is designed to provide a secure and systematic environment for clients to develop their core emotional intelligence competencies, with a focus on recognizing, naming, and processing their emotions and effect mechanisms.

Drawing on my experience with the following methods:

  • Hakomi Psychotherapy
  • IFS (Internal Family Systems) therapy
  • Reflexive Systemic Counseling
  • Systemic Constellation
  • Palliative-regenerative stress management / Stress and resource management / Cognitive stress management
  • Embodied movements – Hatha & Yin yoga: Promoting relaxation and recovery

My professional background:

  • Certified Business Coach – Psychology of change & Personal Development. (Certified by Dietz Coaching: Coaching training certified by DBVC and IOBC)
  • M.Sc. Business Psychology and Consultant 
  • B.Sc. Business Psychology & Business Administration 
  • Certified Stressmanagement Trainer
  • Specialized in Burnout prevention and psychosocial health promotion
  • Certified Yoga Teacher in Hatha Yoga, at Yoga Sadhana in Rishikesh India
  • +10 years of overall experience and proven track record as a Leader in building, scaling and managing leaders, teams as well as coaching strong performing individual

I work to help clients gain greater control over their personal mental health.

Get to know me in a free 30-minute call

During a 30 minute introductory conversation we get to know eachother. I’m looking forward to meeting you !

In my consulting, I focus on a holistic view of the individual. The work of a leader is not solely based on rational decisions; a leader is also a feeling person and is guided by these emotions. I work with my clients to explore the source of their blockages, emotions, and behaviors, going beyond surface-level issues. As many issues have their roots in the unconscious mind, we slowly approach the underlying causes through mindfulness and systematically-based, psychology-supported methods. This approach enables clients to recognize their emotions and mechanisms, name them, and work on them, while maintaining control over the course and depth of the process as it is their own. Mutual respect is especially important to me during our collaboration.

Mindful leadership is a holistic approach to leading that involves being fully present, self-aware, and compassionate in every aspect of leadership. It entails recognizing the interconnectedness of individuals, teams, and the larger organization, and making conscious decisions that consider the well-being of all stakeholders. Mindful leaders practice active listening, empathy, and ethical decision-making, fostering a positive work environment, reducing stress, and promoting both personal and organizational growth. By embodying mindfulness, leaders enhance their ability to navigate challenges, communicate effectively, and inspire others to reach their full potential.

Our work world is constantly changing. Employees’ attitudes towards modern workspaces and the expected leadership are also changing, which inevitably impacts structures and work cultures. The working world is becoming increasingly complex, and businesses and leaders must develop innovative processes while also maintaining a digital, dynamic, and agile company culture, balanced with empathy, private life, psychological safety, and a smart and crisis-resistant strategy. This change not only means changes in a company’s structure but also in the thinking and actions of leaders and team members. It is becoming increasingly important to reflect on oneself and perceive oneself in relation to the organization.